Source Code


Funning is a word you use when someone has asked you "Are you having fun?" or something annoying while you are trying to enjoy something. Instead of just saying "Yes, I am having fun." You can say: "I'm funning!" and then the person who asked will now begin to ask people "Are you funning?" This word is for convenience, so use it.

Person: Playing video games
Annoying guy: "Are you having fun?"

Person: "Ya, I'm funning, now go away man."

by thatoneguygnawingonapickle June 11, 2019


v., If you are doing something right now, and it is fun, you, collectively, are funning.

We are funning in this bitch.

by theguywhositswithpeopleandstuf August 30, 2015

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Funning -ing
Funning is the Act of past tense fun making it a verb

I was funning

by BabbilikeRabbi March 17, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Farting and Running. Pretty explanatory, but even better: lots of fun.

I was running so fast and didn't want to stop, but had to fart, so I was funning.

by CLS143 August 22, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fun, fun, fun, fun!

Something Rebecca Black's Friday is not.

Person 1: Today was fun, fun, fun, fun!
Person 2: No. Just, no.

by The Friend On The Left March 17, 2011

43๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

fun fun fun

A sarcastic comment about doing something that's partially fun and partially horrifying. Exactly like a Rebecca Black song.

Studying for tomorrow's test while listening to my favorite band. fun fun fun.

by Glazier213 January 15, 2012

20๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

fun fun fun

A text sent to replace the simple and short "fun" in order to seem as though you are paying attention, even though you are not.

Person 1: So Becky and I did a lot of things over the weekend like bowling, swimming, shopping, and we ran into Jeff from high school,(etc)

Person 2: fun fun fun

by NoodleHairedBoy February 8, 2017

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