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polite, er... less vulgar way of saying motherfucker

Futhermucking bon of a sitch!

by alternity April 10, 2003

87👍 17👎


1) What certain people refer to President Bush as while in the presence of the elderly, in a classroom or professional setting, or in front of their Southern Baptist parents.

2) Something to say instead of "motherfucker" when one rips of one's toenail, is repeatedly stuck in one's testicles, or experiences similar levels of pain and agony in the above situations.

1) "That coke-sniffing futhermucker is going to get us all killed trying to get his oil."

2) "...Futhermucker!"

by Know It All March 30, 2004

23👍 19👎

futhermucker shit face dick headed leach

Usually a term used for assholes and/or fuckboys

Girl 1: hey what's wrong?

Girl 2: nothing, just went through a tuff break up.

Girl 1: Aw, what did that futhermucker shit face dick headed leach do?

by DoritosRlife May 1, 2016

2👍 1👎


Instead of saying the real word (motherfucker) you say "futhermucker" it is a lot safer way of saying the real word especially around teachers and parents!

You futhermucker how dare you

You are such a futhermucker

by Shittyyyy shit shittt January 19, 2017


The word you use when your parents are around or you're at school trying to stay out of trouble.

*stubs toe*.....Futhermucker!!!!!

by MissStealYoMan13 May 24, 2017