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Good TimeZ

Person 1: Remember last night?!

Person 2: GTZ...GTZ.

by goodtimesmofo February 17, 2011

26👍 11👎


Going To Zero... when sellers continued to aggressively press the price all the way down to zero, making the stock/crypto worth nothing. Often the case of Pump and Dump schemes.

This shitty XVG coin is GTZ!

by TraderShocker December 31, 2018

1👍 3👎


Good times

Anna: OMG the carnival last night was so fun!

Jessica: I know right, gtz!

by spidercatyyyyyyyy July 8, 2011

11👍 6👎


A short Internet version of the word Congratulations. Grats.

Gtz about the new baby.

by oli w May 1, 2004

23👍 38👎