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Is a incredibly hot and very sexy guy with amazing personality. So cool, very calm and a lot of charisma. Good at everything he does. A geeno is perfect in every way. He is so cool others only wish the could be him. He is a born leader. Everyone wants to be around him. Amazing lover, the best friend you could ever know. If you know a geeno consider yourself a lucky person because Geeno is one in a million. A Geeno will always be there for you and be honest and loyal. When a geeno says I love you he means it and you never have to doubt his words. For Geeno is what all men strive to be like but very few get close enough. There is only one in the world. So when you see see a perfect man he is a geeno.

Wow he is a geeno!

I'm so lucky I have a geeno.

by February 26, 2016

12👍 2👎


A horrible arsehole, a heartless, mean bastard.


by Loch January 22, 2003

33👍 13👎


An enigma wrapped in bacon and sauted in big words he doesn't understand, yet still rejected by zoe

I'm turning Geeno!
Shut up before i go Geeno!

by d2u January 20, 2003

14👍 9👎