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Probably the most useful science that encompasses every other science, math, and engineering. Without it the water you drink would kill you or not be there (groundwater aquifers), the buildings we use would subside/crack/soil compress/liquefy/corrode/fail, just about anything wouldn't exist (what do you think steal, iron, copper, titanium, etc. are mined from?), there wouldn't be oil, natural gas, or coal (the world would stop), we would still think the Earth was 6000 years old, the environment would die, and a bunch of other things you wouldn't even think of would cease.

If you don't know what geology is, you are an absolute idiot.

by Bill_Nye May 1, 2010

344πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž


the study of pressure and time.

Oh andy loved geology. I guess it appealed to his meticulous nature

by hitandmiss November 17, 2013

35πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


other sciences like physics and biology explain the entire universe, what we are made up of and what everything is based around, but Geology is the science that explains 'what did I just trip over?'.

"hey dude what is the easiest and most stupid science that i can pass with no effort whatsoever?" "Geology..."

by Definitely not @orrick.bain September 2, 2018

7πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


To be β€˜geology’ is to be outwardly embarrassing but think you’re really funny

Joe: Hey look, all those guys are piling up on top of eachother!
Reece: That’s so geology..

by BigFatJapseye February 22, 2018

2πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Not a real science. Just study rocks that you can't really tell apart. Students that want to be scientists that can't take this cause it's easy.

Your so stupid you could teach geology

by Memesarefunny November 30, 2018

1πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


The study of solidified dinosaur poop spanning the worlds biggest urinal and extra terrestrial planets.

by Dr. Bleached White Nigger November 8, 2003

57πŸ‘ 257πŸ‘Ž


Where miles aarons rapes rocks

by Anonymous April 28, 2003

40πŸ‘ 227πŸ‘Ž