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Go for Pro

A rhyming way to say "Go for it".

Person 1: "Can I borrow some brown sugar?"

Person 2: "Go for pro, it's in the top shelf!"

by Skookum Bosh April 17, 2009

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going pro

when you want to take the next step in your career, not knowing that pro in this case stands for procrastination.

"george, you going pro in video editing?"
George: "yeah man!" *closes premiere and opens youtube tab*

by GrontleGums October 5, 2023

going pro

a euphemism for masturbating while at work or on the clock. Getting paid while masturbating.

Jesse was bored at the bike shop. It was a slow day. The rest of the mechanics could not find him for a half hour. They suspected he was in the bathroom going pro.

by Leroy777 November 1, 2009

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Going Pro

when you drink one night and have to wake up early in the morning for work or anything

hell yeah! im Going Pro!

by GoProBro January 28, 2011

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go pro dick

Strapping of a go pro to a penis prior to sexual intercourse.

Friend 1: Bro I was watching some porn and they used go pro dick!

Friend 2: go pro dick?
Friend 1: yeah, it's like POV but from the view of the penis.

by TwistedSMA July 26, 2015

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There we go like a pro

this was made by Dan hall And is my word/phrase if u would like to use it u may, it means to do something really well and also can be used as humour.

fall over and say there we go like a pro that would be for humour.
this is only really used for humour remember this and use it well ;)

by iDanimal May 5, 2011

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Go pro

A word to describe your way of doing things in which you try to do it as hard as possible

I haven't played that game in a while, it's go pro time

by Ooogha booogha February 9, 2019