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Gobblin' Pussy

A very loose and ugly pussy with turkey like features.

"Your gobblin' pussy swallowed me whole"


by TacoPuss69 April 7, 2020

knob gobblin

one who enjoys fellatio

That chick is a little knob gobblin!
She likes the taste!

by el jefe November 25, 2003

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The Wobblin Gobblin

When a man drops his pants, puts his balls on a girls nose so that the left nut is on one side of her nose and the right nut is on the other. Then the man makes the girl gobble like a turkey.

"My boyfriend backhanded me because he said my gobble wasn't strong enough while he was giving me the Wobblin Gobblin."

by Creator: Greg TB April 25, 2008

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Green Gobblins

A nick name for the 80 milligram strength OxyContin. It's a duller green in color

"yo, i just got 90 green gobblins from tha doc nigga"

"Word? Bust me out a 40 milly off one of thems!"

by Contin Candy August 17, 2009


One who smells their own testicle sweat

"When I got back from running the other day I scratched my balls then forgot and scratched my nose"

"Dude you're such a Dongle-Gobblin"

by DJ Mammoth January 29, 2009

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krotch gobblin

One who is gay and/or practices gayness.

Dude, you're a krotch gobblin.

by John December 3, 2003

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cock gobblin

1. A netherworld creature who, by his very nature eats penises.

2. A general insult implying promiscuity.

1. Where'd my dick go? A fucking cock gobblin must have gotten it in the night!

2. I'm gonna hook up with that bitch, she looks like a cock gobblin!

by John J. October 27, 2004

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