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such a loser

youre such a duller

by cooldooddd September 30, 2015

4👍 2👎

teeth dullers

hardtack crackers

Before the march a day's ration of teeth dullers (hardtack) was distributed to each soldier.

by talk2me-JCH2 July 25, 2022

adam duller

a person who enjoys roleplaying dungeons & Dragons games.

that dude is a real adam duller; get your head out of your adam duller

by hugh jelbow May 26, 2009

2👍 7👎


Dullers are grey humanoids in the Backrooms who can noclip through walls.

Dullers noclip through walls as a hunting tactic.

by MaybeARealWord January 13, 2022

duller than a dildo

A simile used to describe the sharpness of a knife or cutting tool by comparing it to the sharpness of a sex toy.

Did you sharpen this knife with the rubber? It's duller than a dildo!

by 15thtexas1 September 12, 2023