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Floppy old man who collects and eats his own skin-flakes. Flexible. Enjoys the odd smoke and a pancake.

Would you like a smoke and a pancake?

by Bastardized Bottomburp May 13, 2003

68👍 19👎


a crazy dutch bastard - who is obsessed with gold - lost his genitailia in a smelting acident - is peeling - and wants to flood the world

1. "i love GOLD!"
2. "can i paint his yohoo gold?"
3. "im peeling"

by Tom Ivens May 12, 2003

258👍 97👎


he has a gold PENIS!

by Anonymous May 27, 2003

70👍 41👎


A Dutch guy who, like me, eats his own skin flakes.

"Dude, you're like Goldmember eating that shit."

by Soiled Undergarment July 11, 2003

18👍 47👎


A golden penis.

Due to an unfortunate smelting accident, Goldmember had a penis made of gold.

by The Original Agahnim June 19, 2021

1👍 2👎