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Most incredible and insane place to be born on earth. Small island in the middle of the caribean this only lucky human being blessed by the divinity has the chance to be borned there.
Dream beaches, volcano, mountains, forest, river, waterfall, reefs is what you see everyday.
Don't even think of what you eat! Tasty, spicy, yummy - several dishes as dombré et crevettes , migan, court-bouillon, columbo and the famous BOKIT! will make you feel in heaven.
And last but not the least Guadeloupeans are probably by far one of most beautiful people on earth. Descendant of native arawak mix with african, french, spanish and indian give you the perfect human living. You need sunglasses to watch them as they shining too much.

After life you go in Paradise and after Paradise you go in Guadeloupe

by LAMARCY February 25, 2021