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The country that typical Americans get mixed up with Mexico

Haley: What’s up with you and Mexican guys? You’ve dated Axel, Jorge, Daniel, and Jesus and now you’re dating Miguel!
Sydney: Miguel is not Mexican, he’s Guatemalan. There’s a difference!
Haley: Where’s Guatemala?
Sydney: Guatemala is the next country south of Mexico. A lot of people get Mexicans and Guatemalans confused so you’re not the only person that got the countries confused.

by fuckyoudude January 24, 2018

37👍 2👎


Country in Central America. 108,414 Km2 and about 13 million inhabitants. Spanish is the official language, English is widely spoken, 23 other languages are also spoken in different areas. It is the most developed and industrialized country in Central America.

It's turism is very appealing mostly to Americans and Europeans who like to visit Antigua Guatemala (colonial city), Atitlan (a beautiful natural wonder), Tikal (main Mayan archeological city) and Guatemala City (capital city and very developed, has everything one needs).

It also has a very big medical-tourism due to its high-standard medical and health development and much lower prices compared to the US.

When did you get back to Boston? I came back from Guatemala last week, after my chemotherapy treatment was over.

Where are you gonna spend your spring break? We're going to Antigua Guatemala, we just love it there.

by Monacco December 13, 2010

173👍 30👎


Guatemala..Best Country like eva..

"Ay Yo, i want mi sum pollo Campero"
"Aitte den, lets go to Guatemala

by Irene April 20, 2005

636👍 375👎


Country situated betwen Mexico/El Salvador,a Quetzal(national maney) its 8.oo$ or so, Quetzal too its the national bird,the most important turistic atraction are:TIkal(an acient mayan city),Atitlan(a lake).

How i knoe so much?, I live there...and for the person who posted the last definition:IDIOT!!!

by Sebastian May 8, 2004

254👍 176👎


Guatemala is a small country just east of mexico. Has one of the highest crime rates in central America.

Two midgets embark on a journey to Guatemala, what obtictles will they encounter on this epic quest of love, truth and compassion?!

by Foxtrot~Uniform~Charlie~Kilo October 27, 2005

292👍 304👎


a place that reminds me of tamales

and for the idiot who wrote number one guatemala isnt in mexico

by stephanyface September 26, 2005

180👍 218👎


A country in which everybody lives in trees.

Juan: "I'm from Guatemala."
Mark: "Do people live in trees there?"
Juan: "Yeah! But we have elevators!"
Mark: "Cool!"

by Guatemalan from Guatemala March 17, 2011

69👍 159👎