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A awesome dude who gives no fucks about what anyone says... He is also very kind but can be a real bitch when u fuck with any of his friends or family..and he sticks up for what he believes in

That guy over there is such a guevara

by Lowkeytrppn September 2, 2017

33๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A last name, rooted from hispanic areas such as Bolivia and Peru. Originally used as a term to describe the head of ancient Incan tribes, the word now has taken on a meaning of suave, strength, and amibility, and often refers to one who every person likes, both socially and attractively.

Oye vistes como Juan saco a esas jemitas...puta madre ese si es un guevara

Ay ase papi ayi esta tan bueno, voy a ir a hablar con ese guevara

by Alejandra Guevara August 8, 2006

111๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

che guevara

the guy from the t-shirts.

(in spanish class)
Ms. spanish teacher: and now class we come to a crucial point in the revolution, thanks to che guevara-

me: hey! its that dude from those shirts!

everyone else: hey! it is!

by ashtonkutcher March 7, 2008

1269๐Ÿ‘ 263๐Ÿ‘Ž

Che Guevara

This cat fought for the "liberation" of Cuba from tyrants while in fact he helped put in place an even bigger tyrant by the name of Fidel "no more toilet paper for our shitty island" Castro. This "freedom fighter" is 40 percent to blame for the slaughter of innoncent industrialists who sought to make the best of the island's natural resources and keep the savages at bay.

I bet his beard is a hit in Hell where he is burning for eternity with all Amway salespeople and Johnny Carson.

If Charlton Heston had sex with one of the monkeys on "Planet of the Apes" his offspring would have looked like Che Guevara.

by Gary Vitalis August 19, 2009

556๐Ÿ‘ 207๐Ÿ‘Ž

Che Guevara

Argentine Communist revolutionary who fought alongside Fidel Castro in Cuba's Revolution to overthrow Fulgencio Batista. Although Che's rhetoric is popular among those who oppose imperialism, the United States in general, and capitalism as an economic system, Che also murdered over a thousand Cubans in his short stint as leader of the Cabana prison in Cuba without due process. Supported persecutions of individuals who did not agree with a radical ideology.

"The image of Che Guevara hurts Cubans because of it reminds them of the innocent men and women that Che ordered to be killed in "La Cabana" prison

by Rodolfo M February 3, 2010

413๐Ÿ‘ 150๐Ÿ‘Ž

Che Guevara

AKA, the Spanish Hitler. Murdered many families, including children in order to push his politicals views on others. Many mis-informed college students don't read about this, and decide to wear his T-Shirts.

That Che Guevara is a real son-of-a-bitch. He killed my grandparents.

by silentthread August 8, 2009

601๐Ÿ‘ 228๐Ÿ‘Ž

Che Guevara

Che Guevara was a communist revolutionary who helped castro enslave cuba. he is hailed as a genius of guerilla warfare even though most of his campaigns were failures. he killed many innocent people for refusing to be slaves of communism, but many rich, white, starbucks sipping, psuedo-intellectual college kids who've never left the states, much less seen the third world think still think he was a hero.
He got waxed by bolivian soldiers trained by American SF. even if he started with good intent, he was misguided and thought he could force people to live in harmony, which is one of the many follies of communism.

guilt ridden rich white kid- Che Guevara was a hero who turned cuba into a socialist utopia and cubans love him more than Jesus

regular guy- yeah, they love it so much they risk life on the high seas in banana boats to get the hell away from it. go to miami and tell a cuban who is old enought to remamber him that he was a hero and watch him eat your face

by airborne ham February 25, 2009

861๐Ÿ‘ 377๐Ÿ‘Ž