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Guild Wars

Although different in concept to other MMORPGs, Guild Wars has proved to be a creditable and righteous game for people familiar with the genre. Even newbies will find this game all sorts of fun, as it is not hard to learn the basics of the game.
The main jobs available thus far are:

You can combine to have any one as a primary/secondary job and get attributes from both (but only the special attribute of your primary job).
Quests are a lot of fun and the graphics are a delight.

I've been malspending my money playing FFXI, a game in which you payed a monthly fee and you had so much of a hard time getting Gil (FFXI currency) that 90% of the people actually buy it online... This sort of nonsense is not seen in Guild Wars. Get this game if you're a fan of the likes of World of Warcraft.

I've been playing Guild Wars for a month now, it's great!

by oriya June 1, 2005

647๐Ÿ‘ 132๐Ÿ‘Ž

Guild Wars

Like any MMORPG, Guild Wars has features such as an advanced Battle system, PvP, quests, missions, and varying monsters.

Unlike ANY MMORPG, Guild Wars is 100% free, with no monthly fee. And yet, the graphics still blow Blizzard's World of Warcraft totally away. It is definately worth the wait, and will arrive finally at our doors on the 28th of April.

I play Guild Wars online using Arena.net's server. I really like Guild Wars.

by Tagban April 13, 2005

381๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž

Guild Wars

An awesome game.

Guild Wars is our savior.

Johnny got Guild Wars for his birthday and it made him rich and famous. True story.

by D3k October 14, 2004

1294๐Ÿ‘ 406๐Ÿ‘Ž

Guild Wars

A MMORPG like WoW, without the side effects(Loss of Friends/Girlfriend, GPA goes wayy down, etc.)

Billy: OMFG I have a 1337 level 60 in WoW it took me like a Friking year to get him.
Mike: I have a Level 20(Level Cap) in Guild wars + a Girlfriend! Oh yeah Im going to Spiderman 8: Green Goblin's Revenge Part III on Friday. Wanna Come?

Billy: OMFG, you n00b, I dont do things with friends! LOL, I have a raid, LMAO, what do you think I have, A life

by Nad Worc October 27, 2006

445๐Ÿ‘ 143๐Ÿ‘Ž

Guild Wars

An MMORPG like war craft but without the stupid 15$ a month fee. Often hated by WoW fans because they can't understand the concept of being able to log out or not having to pay for a mediorce game. A normal persons MMO game

Jeff: Dude....im poor i gota pay my WoW fee this month again
Me: Dude...ever considered just finding a game that does'nt require money every month to play? Try Guild Wars..you'll get your social life back and have fifteen extra dollars a month..and people wont randomly run up and kill you in a town.
Jeff:... Sweet *chucks warcraft box into nearest trash can* wow...i feel free now.

by Sickofwhorecraftlosers November 11, 2009

24๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Guild Wars

A game WAY better than WoW...NO MONTHLY FEES!!

Focuses mainly on PvP


"Enemy Captured Altar!"

"Flawless Victory!"

by DavidSmith June 1, 2005

671๐Ÿ‘ 270๐Ÿ‘Ž

Guild Wars

A free MMORPG that focuses on Group combat as opposed to solo play. The game contains six classes that range from Warrior to Elementalist (Wizard) The game is based on playing for fun, not leveling to get an uberpowerful charecter. The game is still in beta and will be released April 28th. The game is only playable on special weekends termed beta weekends.

Oh man, the next beta isn't until april....... I'm SO BORED!
Dude, your elementalist ROCKS!
I can't wait to get to Lion's Arch.
I like Old Ascalon Better!

by Lectalist Flaminghands March 30, 2005

308๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž