Source Code


Strong tea laced with rum, traditionally drunk by the British army at parades.

"if we get this parade right, the corporal will pour us some gunfire"

by liquid death August 4, 2016

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When a (Gun) is (Fired)

The Gun has been Fired.

by Shaggster July 6, 2014

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Digital Gunfire

The most booty kicking radio station on the Internet.

Digital Gunfire roxors my muthafuckin soxors!

by Jimbob Molasses June 16, 2004

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synthetic gunfire

The sound of gunfire from a handgun, rifle, automatic weapon, etc. created solely by hardware or computer software synthesis. Found most frequently in computer video game or demo choons.

No guns are fouled and no poor, innocent, helpless, defenseless bullets are damaged or destroyed when synthetic gunfire is employed.

The title zax for the Commodore Amiga video game, "Datastorm" is just loaded with synthetic gunfire! How kewl!!!

by Telephony September 4, 2015

Celebratory Gunfire

When you shoot off a gun because you're happy and celebrating something. Often done during New Years celebrations.

Alex was killed when Bob started setting off celebratory gunfire at a New Year's Party.

by MewWinx96 February 7, 2013

pure gunfire

Meaning something is awesome or great or rediculous. Something was so great it is beyond words. Someone or something was absolutly amazing.

Person 1: Did you see that catch the wide reciever just made?
Person 2: Yeah that catch was pure gunfire.

by Spenten August 25, 2006

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French Gunfire

The act of making your urine multishot (split urine) and then spraying it at another woman with malicious intent.

Jenna: "I was totally French Gunfired last night!"

by Vladimir Carti February 12, 2020