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A decent ginger.
A Caucasian of ghostly pale completion typically from suburbs and has an exceptionally kind heart.

The kindly pale man walked his elderly neighbor safely across the street a true gentlemen and Harwell indeed.

by Jack Slater December 8, 2013

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Bill Harwell

(n) 1. A condescending know it all with a Napoleon complex. 2. A person who does not fully listen, but replies with snide comments. 3. A bitter person that tries to make others hate life as well.

I tried getting out of my speeding ticket, but the judge was such a Bill Harwell.
Man your mom is a Bill Harwell.
I hope my teacher this year isn't a Bill Harwell

by OSPE June 1, 2017

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Steve Harwell

The lead singer for the band Smash Mouth. His name is mostly unknown amongst the world, and up to this point, his name was most likely a mystery to you.

"Man, Steve Harwell's an awesome singer!"

"Steve Harwell?"

"The lead singer for smash mouth."

"Oh so THAT'S his name!"

by JonahGamer January 18, 2015

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Steve Harwell


RIP Steve Harwell 1967-2023. Thanks for making All Star my childhood ❤️

by Rotten Turkey September 4, 2023

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Steve Harwell

Rest in peace you legend.

Steve Harwell, if you do not know, was the lead singer for the band Smash Mouth and was most known for: Allstar, I'm a Believer. you will always be remembered you legend of music and memes

by Retrogamer77 September 5, 2023