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Himanshi... she is very insane girl. She always makes everyone laugh although she is broken inside.She is a great ice-cream lover. She loves music like hell. If you have her as your friend than trust me she is the most awesome one. She needs a hug frequently and also sleeps with her favourite teddy bear. She is very bold and strong. She has many secret inside, hid from everyone. She is very serious about any kind of realtionships and also she needs a boy with lots of patience to handle her, as her mood swings easily. She loves the one who play guitar!

himanshi is super cute one.

by ytjkiujk March 24, 2019

720๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person of strong aesthetic tastes. Blessed with optimism and creativity, usually very intellectual and joyful. Someone who finds things to appreciate where nobody else looks. She is AWESOME.

Geetika- i wish i were born witty and talented.
Abhay- u mean you wish you were Himanshi?
Geetika- DUH

by thisfridaynightdoitallagain September 15, 2011

227๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


Himanshi is a Sanskrit word which is made from two words Himalaya and ansh. So it's meaning is someone who is originated from the Himalayas

For example Himanshi is a Hindi name

by Aries girl February 26, 2019

102๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


The BESTTT best friend youโ€™ll ever meet. The princess of their own dream world. A whirlwind of holiday spirit and well wishes. She loves to be admired. She is fuckin awesome. Lowkey Instagram influencer and hell scared of dogs . Himanshi has a big heart and gold aura and her friends call her "he man chii"

Himanshi have an angelic presence

by Not your baby girl November 29, 2021


The most gorgeous girl in this whole f*cking world! She's not only beautiful but a kind and down to earth kinda person who helps everyone around her. She is smart, intelligent and witty. She's got a great well maintained super sexy body! Sometimes she's shy but sometimes she's bold af u never know what's going inside of her. You can trust her blindly because she's the purest soul out there. She loves animals specially dogs. If u ever have a himanshi as your friend never let her go and treasure her.

Person 1: look over there isn't she the girl who's everyone crushing on!!

Person 2: oh! U mean himanshi.

by Hsjsnjabakajabahajsbshdjdjdkks November 25, 2021

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Wanna die but don't have courage.

Wanna cry but don't want to be seen crying.
Wanna have a bf who actually understands her but not ready for relationship.

Wannna tell everyone how she feels but scared of the reaction and people not believing her.
Wants to have real friends to share her life with.
Wants to change her major.
Don't hate but don't either love herself.

Himanshi is fake

by Notreallygood November 25, 2021

16๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


She is a girl(or is she?) who suffers from some insane syndrome.
She stays in her eternal slumber, reading books and books and books, only to wake up once in a decade to tell a lame joke that she found on whatsapp.
She is the most boring person with a 'meh' aura.
Legend has it that she has read 4/5 of the entire books out there.

Default Human 1:- Hey, I sense a weird aura.
Default Human 2:- Oh, thats Himanshi

by communistweeb April 29, 2019

29๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž