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Somebody who frequents public transport (namely buses ) and is hence named for their manufacture - tata Hispano .

You know someone is a Hispano is they never cease to seize an opportunity to ride public transport. If you are Spanish ,
You are Hispanic- not Hispano , If you love taking the bus more than life itself - you're Hispano . If you are Spanish and
just happen to frequent the Bus scene , yes your Hispano.

hey, does Gary need a ride home from the party tomorrow night?

Nah bro, he's going Hispano .

What?, that's like three connecting bus journeys !?

I know bro , the guy just Fuckin loves buses .

by nyancat1238 May 23, 2013

8👍 8👎

hispano phone

Hispano Phone Applies to the Spanish Speaking world

Can Brazil be considered Hispano Phone ? No Because Brazil is a Portuguese Speaking Country.

by SourthernNewJerseyMexican October 25, 2013