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hit me on the hip

Could mean calling someone on their cell phone, but could also mean calling someone's pager or two-way.

Most chicks have to call me at home, but I let her hit me on the hip.

by fizzle April 17, 2004

274👍 140👎

hit me on the hip

1) lets get our groove on
2) lets see who can dance better- challenge someone in dancing

1) Lets go to the dancefloor and hit me on the hip

2) Wassup boob, wanna hit me on the hip?

by lola May 18, 2004

24👍 112👎

hit me on da hip

call me or call a person

We have to get to the mall before it closes so hit me on da hip to let me know when ur ready.

by neice May 26, 2006

5👍 10👎