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one sexy motherfucker

haddas is jelous of hossam

by neoislegendary February 7, 2020

26👍 4👎


An Arabic word that means "sword" which is also a common male name in the Middle East and synonymous with the name "Saif".

If Hossam is working on your server then you better not interfere.

by cs982005 May 10, 2011

95👍 14👎


An Arabic word that means "sword" which is also a common male name in the Middle East and synonymous with the name "Saif" And usually called a maybach or an S class dad.

Oh look at hossam driving an S class.

by fuckyodad June 27, 2022


swole, hot guy with a huge dick

all the girls want him

i wish i was Hossam

by Hossam69420 March 21, 2020

24👍 4👎


An Arabic name usually for men, it was originally a name of a sword, but then it used for naming humans.

Hossam went to the store to get milk

by Gendy August 18, 2021


i don't have a boyfriend, i have a hossam. he would trade me for the last zoot in the world. hes leng and he knows it. he has a cute bunny called teddy and he can make a very good mr bean accent. he's my nigga. he has curtain hair and it's so cute on him. if you ever need a laugh you can always go to him. he's so proud of his ethnicity and its so annoying. not one day goes by that he doesn't speak about how proud he is of being moroccan. and he always bullies me for being iranian.
he has a dark humour. and he has some sexy snapchat filters. he is the sexiest human being ever. he's a man whore and its so weird. his body counts high and he won't tell you what it is. he's such a nice person, and has a very warm heart. he'll compliment you everyday and its so sweet he calls me a tchikita and its acc adorable. we mock weirdos on the internet and always go on omegle.

i love hossam

by Hossamsteddy September 17, 2022


i don't have a boyfriend, i have a hossam. he would trade me for the last zoot in the world. hes leng and he knows it. he has a cute bunny called teddy and he can make a very good mr bean accent. he's my nigga. he has curtain hair and it's so cute on him. if you ever need a laugh you can always go to him. he's so proud of his ethnicity and its so annoying. not one day goes by that he doesn't speak about how proud he is of being moroccan. and he always bullies me for being iranian.
he has a dark humour. and he has some sexy snapchat filters. he is the sexiest human being ever. he's a man whore and its so weird. his body counts high and he won't tell you what it is. he's such a nice person, and has a very warm heart. he'll compliment you everyday and its so sweet he calls me a tchikita and its acc adorable. we mock weirdos on the internet and always go on omegle.

ily hossam

by Hossamsteddy September 17, 2022