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hot oven

A woman who keeps having Children

There Family is poor because there mother is a hot oven

by Franda May 28, 2006

31๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot Oven

Farting under the duvet and causing a warm gust of pungent air to be expelled when the sheets are disturbed.

Dude, don't hot oven this bed when we're heads and tails

by BCMLQ December 27, 2011

13๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot oven

Generally refers to an idividuals terrible breath .

Not smelling of poop , but beyond poop .
a mixture of all the foods the preson has eaten at the time of them not brushing their teeth .
usually occurs when the person has not brushed his or her teeth for a while .

and can't be fixed just brushing once ,
it takes a while after teeth brushing .

Your oven can remain hot for about three days

even with brushing , because of the previous weeks/days of neglect .

when your oven is HOT ,
your teeth tend to be yellow , NEON yellow .
and black around the edges .
you will notice people lean away from you or stick their finger under their nose .

Man #1 ; daaaaamn did you smell thaat ?
Man #2 ; yeaaa , thaat oven was HOT . . .
Man#1 ; yeaa i know , she always has a HOT OVEN .

by AyeSparksLoves October 2, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot buttered oven

To urinate inside a vagina

Chris: when I was fucking Anna I had to piss so bad I just pissed inside and gave her a hot buttered oven.

by ahiteballin July 27, 2014

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Hot Jamaican Oven

Smoke Weed and pull the covers over someones head to get them high.

Dizko was like, damn I was not trying to get high tonight, then my bitch Hot Jamaican Ovened me and I went into Outer Space.

by Dizkoh December 4, 2013

Oven Hot

The required temperature to burn Jews.

Get away from there! thats oven hot!

by monicoran May 5, 2008

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Hot Breath Oven (HBO)

When one's breath smells as if small rodents and boofonky have been roasting inside. Creating a Hot Breath Oven (HBO)

Person 1: HO MAH LAWD! Did you smell that librarian's breath?!

Person: YES! My goodness. It was was smelling like Hot Breath Oven (HBO)!

by Nielypoo July 21, 2010

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