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Hot wing hangover

When you eat hot wings and the next morning you ride the toilet. Symptoms are cold sweats followed by diarrhea. It leaves you with your ass on fire for like 2 hours afterwards.

Phil did the Carolina Reaper wing challenge to impress Kayla and now has to pay the price the next morning with the hot wing hangover.

by Dnurse15 August 5, 2022

Hot wing hangover

The feeling in your gut the morning after you eat an ass load of hot wings. Usually accompanied by large amounts of shitting and diarrhea.

Piercen: Man I have been shitting all morning and my stomach feels like it is full of vaginas.
CP: Why what happened?
Piercen: I ate an ass load of hotwings last night and now I have a hot wing hangover.

by commiekyle2 December 2, 2011

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