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Hot wing hangover

When you eat hot wings and the next morning you ride the toilet. Symptoms are cold sweats followed by diarrhea. It leaves you with your ass on fire for like 2 hours afterwards.

Phil did the Carolina Reaper wing challenge to impress Kayla and now has to pay the price the next morning with the hot wing hangover.

by Dnurse15 August 5, 2022

Comin of Jesus

When you’re in trouble with your boss and having a coaching session with them.

Terry was always late for work so the boss gave him a Comin of Jesus meeting

by Dnurse15 July 10, 2021

Cadillac Job

When you work in a very easy job. That you barely lift a finger and get paid really well

John just started his job where he just sits at a desk and pretty much watches Netflix. Man must be nice to have a Cadillac job like that.

by Dnurse15 April 4, 2022


Always found as a morbidly obese man or woman that is unintelligent that can be spotted only at the third of the month. Usually has a shopping cart full of sugar and salt laden food and more Mountain Dew than a Taco Bell.

I seen a wal-creature today. It was pushing a shopping cart full of top ramen and enough Mountain Dew to rot 100 kid’s mouths. It was huge too I don’t think it ever has worn a bra.

by Dnurse15 May 28, 2022

White trash repair

When you fix something in an improper manner with a scant amount of resources that still counts as fixed, but you put the least amount of effort into it.

Joe Bob fixed the toilet by using a dog chain and a cinder block. In our neck of the woods we call that a white trash repair.

by Dnurse15 February 20, 2023

Wheel of Father

When your mother is such a hore that she’s got multiple leads of possible men she slept with before you were born.

David was curious about his father and his mom didn’t know who he was. He had to play wheel of father to find out.

by Dnurse15 August 16, 2023

Parking Nazi

Someone usually a Karen who’s sole mission is to judge people’s parking at stores or determine if someone really needs a handicapped space. Or someone complaining a motorcycle or bicycle is parked in the striped area.

I parked in the handicapped parking with my dad and this Parking Nazi said he didn’t need to be there because he can walk.

I rode my motorcycle to Walmart and parked in the loading zone up front and this Parking Nazi Harassed me for parking there

by Dnurse15 May 18, 2023