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A place that is close to heathrow, so there are a lot of immigrants.

we're going to go to england....where are you going to live?...hounslow

by RAAA!"£ January 14, 2008

110👍 46👎


No white people only black people there

Are there any white people in Hounslow?
No there are only black people

by Alex Houston November 19, 2019

10👍 12👎

jordanna hounslow

Jordanna hounslow is the most smartest person I have come across. She is incredibly funny, and can make everyone cry with laughter without even trying. Everyone loves her and looks up to her because she is so incredibly amazing and did I mention she was funny??

Wow I wish I was as funny as Jordanna Hounslow

by Jay4495 February 19, 2016

4👍 1👎