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adj. used to describe when someone does something you don't like but is expected because they are human.

ex 1: "man you acting real humanly"

ex 2:

Person 1: Cheats on girlfriend and brags to best friend
Person 2: Yo bro thats mad humanly

by atilley17 May 29, 2020

10👍 2👎


A race on "Earth", that makes it's way through all there is by enslaving or destroying anyone or anything in it's way.
Claims to be civilised and moral, but fails to demonstrate it through it's actions.

Also is not to be trusted. These humans will betray you or anyone else if it serves their purpose.
Suffers from a severe superiority complex.

Dear Alex,

Sorry to chase, are you able to give us a date you believe the Abbey Wharf CFD report will be ready. Needing as soon as humanly possible.

by Humanly April 24, 2020


A race on "Earth", that makes it's way through all there is by enslaving or destroying anyone or anything in it's way.
Claims to be civilised and moral, but fails to demonstrate it through it's actions.

Also is not to be trusted. These humans will betray you or anyne else if it serves their purpose.
Suffers from a severe superiority complex.

Dear Alex,

Sorry to chase, are you able to give us a date you believe Abbey Wharf CFD report will be ready. Needing as soon as humanly possible.

by Humanly April 24, 2020

Humanly Colorblind

The ability to not judge a person based on Race, Religion & their Way Of Life. Basically, you live your live with a '' If You're Cool With Me, I'm Cool With You'' mentality..

~ Why is this kid so cool with everyone? Everybody thinks he's the chillest person

~ My Friend, that's what we like to call around here Humanly Colorblind...,you should look into it..

by Ash&Rob December 22, 2014

humanly perfect

The maximum level of perfection human beings are able to attain in situations which they must react spontaneously.

Though using science, art, talent, and the countless mechanical and technological marvels human beings have invented allow them to easily produce products which are often up to 100% perfect, human beings sometimes make a wrong decision, commit an error, or make a mistake, and those things limit human perfection to being "humanly perfect," inherently inconsistent, and not 100% reliable . Thus a few notches below mathematical, scientific, mechanical, or technological perfection.

To reduce or prevent the imperfect actions humans inevitably commit—often at unpredictable times, humans use various procedures, mechanisms, and technological devices to impossibilitate, prevent, or minimize errors.

The second most effective way is to stop a human being from committing an error is by passing a law and sanctioning those who break them. And the most effective way is by physically or electronically blocking a human being from executing a specific action at a specific time or in a specific way.

by but for November 20, 2017


Humanly is a replacement for the word manually.

The information may need to be entered humanly (instead of manually).

by Sue Rolnd August 24, 2021