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A sexual attraction to/the fetishizing of water.

Guy: Damn that water looks so sexy.
Other Guy: you're a hydrophilic?
Guy: *trying to have sex with the water* what?

by Dr. Pigglesnüüdelwarte September 3, 2019

1👍 1👎

hydrophilic head

The act of giving oral sex to a penis underwater. Can be either straight or homosexual.

Man I got the most awesome hydrophilic head last night. I was so wet, man.

by JB Potter Pals September 17, 2007

8👍 1👎

Hydrophilic phone

When one microscopic water drop lands on your phone and makes your phone tweet a slur

Guy 1: Dude your Twitter got suspended
Guy 2: Yea i was dealing with a Hydrophilic phone

Guy 1: Dam I hate when that happens

by January 3, 2023