Source Code


The Newspeak translation for English Socialism.

See 1984.

INGSOC is the Party's official political alignment.

by mickie bombay May 20, 2005

142👍 22👎


DayGreet proles. IngSoc=doubleplus-Totalitarian PolitParty. Found in Orwell-Novel 1984, doubleplus censorship and surveillance. IngSoc Invent NewSpeak(doubleplus abridged English), doublethink(switch between two separate beliefs), and Room 101. The only political party.

Facebook: Exists
Orwell readers: This is literally 1984!!!
IngSoc: No, but it's a step closer.

by The Pasta Man October 1, 2020

10👍 1👎


Organization of brainwashers; practitioners of tyranny, The Future

George Bush is a practitioner of Ingsoc morals.

by Kevin Romero April 3, 2007

32👍 57👎


Any Ideology you disagree with.

This ideology is the worst, so it must be Ingsoc.

by 1984315 April 13, 2022