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From the Iberian peninsula (formed by Spain and Portugal). It's especially used w/ pork products (made from Spanish black pig) and/or men ("Iberian male", a hot and powerful lover).

1st case: The Iberian ham is excellent.
2nd case: Take it easy, you "Iberian male", I bet you didn't f*ck so many ladies.

by SuperJAFO November 24, 2006

30πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


someone from a spanish or portuguese speaking country (dominican, cape verdean, mexican, brazilian, puerto rican...); flyy person (skin color can vary from white as paint to black as night)

The half dominican, half cape verdean girl was 100 percent iberian.

by iberian breezy April 17, 2007

10πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

iberian mix

An individual that holds both Spanish and Portugese ethnicity, which forms the Iberian Mix, or the Iberian Super Human.

Subhuman 1: Ever hear of an Iberian Mix?
Subhuman 2: Yeah, I hear they have the biggest dicks in all the world!

by 4chan User #27667919762571.9 November 27, 2016

Iberian Lynx

The Lynx, the most endangered of the world’s 36 cats, stands on the edge of extinction. This lynx was once distributed over the entire Iberian Peninsula but now its area is severely restricted in Andalusia. Threatened by destruction of habitat and of its prey, the cat was killed by traps set for rabbits or hit by cars as the number of roads increase. The Spanish Government is now in the process of developing a national conservation effort to save the Iberian Lynx. Studies from March 2005 have estimated the number of Lynx to be as few as 100, down from about 400 in 2000. On March 29, 2005, the birth of 3 cubs, the first born in captivity, was announced, a hope for the future reintroduction of the species.

"I would love to see a Iberian Lynx, there so rare."

by Mikie 3 March 17, 2009

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Iberian Bull Ride

When you wine and dine a fat man, seducing him with tapas and flamenco and then slay him with yer matador dicky and ride him like a bull through the streets of Pamplona.

Take me out for some gazpacho and then Iberian Bull Ride my bum bum, papi!

by #SoNotAJames June 26, 2022

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Iberian Bull Ride

When you wine and dine a fat man, seducing him with tapas and flamenco and then slay him in his backside with yer matador dicky and ride him like a bull through the streets of Pamplona.

Take me out for some gazpacho and then Iberian Bull Ride my bum bum, papi!

by #SoNotAJames June 1, 2022

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

the full Iberian

the total unadorned, untrimmed bush - a million miles from Brazil - but obviously where it all started

wow man, when she dropped those drawers, I saw the whole goddam bear, I mean the full Iberian

by Ich bin August 5, 2009