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Potatoes. Run. Run fast.

Bob “run A-a-ron the Idahoans are coming”
A-a-ron “oh crap

by jacobsaggypatties October 10, 2019


Idahoan is someone who was either born in or has lived in Idaho for at least a year. Idahoans kick ass! They are tough, rugged and can handle anything but the ladies are still hot as hell.

Person: I'm a New Yorker.
Better Person: Well, I've got you beat cause I'm an Idahoan.

Person: Wow, your like, pretty like me only better cause you are smarter and can do more things than I.
Better Person: Yes, yes you are correct. :)

by AE20 March 17, 2011

21👍 12👎


An Idahoan is someone who is either born in, lived in for a long period of time, or currently lives in Idaho.

Idahoans are simple people. They don’t drive incredibly fast, they are skilled at driving on icy roads, they love their potatoes, they quote Napoleon Dynamite like the Bible, they work harder than anyone at their jobs, and they are wannabe Texans. Idahoans love their Trucks and Guns and other Freedoms and aren’t afraid to tell you about it.

Californians are realizing how crappy their state is, so they are moving North and East to get away. What they don’t realize is that states like Idaho are so great because those Californians weren’t there. The Californians move to these states bringing the same destructive politics that ruined Cali in the first place. And Idahoans want nothing to do with them or that.

Idahoans are really a great people. They are relaxed, don’t take life too quickly, and enjoy the small things. If you aren’t a Muslim or a Californian or a Liberal, they will love you.

“Hey, you’re an Idahoan. What’s your favorite movie?”
“Dude, you should know this! It’s Napoleon freakin Dynamite! Freakin idiot!”

by TheBreeziest July 29, 2021

Idahoan Pootato

Also known as a pootato, a scat act of shitting out a turd the size of a potato, which is then used as a food, more along the lines of a potato.

Man 1: Your breath smells so bad, what did you eat?
Man 2: I ate an Idahoan pootato, what's wrong with that?

by Gryaskov January 10, 2021

1👍 1👎

Idahoan Potato Masher

A common sex position in Idaho where a man puts a potato into a womans anal cavity and proceeds to pound her ass until the potato is finely mashed.

Dude, I just gave that bitch an Idahoan Potato Masher!

by datllamaoverthere May 18, 2016

Idahoan luxury

When you surgically remove anothers rectum replace your lips with your rectum.

Me and girlfriend did the idahoan luxury and we enjoyed it we swapped eachother rectums too our lips

by Anthony fartbiscut August 13, 2024