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1. A city just west of Los Angeles that has at least one liquor store per every four blocks; one porno book store per every 8 blocks; and a Asian Massage Parlour every mile. (Actually, there is a place on Manchester Blvd in Inglewood that as all three of those AND a gunrange in the same BLOCK!) It's also famous/infamous for being a part of another LAPD officer black man beat down bka Rodney Kinged back in 2002

2. Famous city known for crime that is named in Ice Cube, Dr Dre, Snopp Doggy Dog and TuPac songs.

Lryic from the song California Love.

"Yeah, Inglewood...
Inglewood always up to no good."

by Dwayne October 11, 2004

839๐Ÿ‘ 231๐Ÿ‘Ž


Inglewood is a city in Los Angeles Country, California.
The Rapper Mack 10 born and raised in Inglewood.

"Compton, Long Beach, Inglewood!
South Central out to the Westside"
(The next Episode)By Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg

Related Cities to Inglewood:
-Compton, L.A.
-Long Beach.
-South Central.

by Aizman January 8, 2007

180๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


city in california, not the safest place in the world. Home of some of the best weed.

im smokin inglewood im feelin hella good

by BClapp August 22, 2008

118๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


a little small section/city south of los angeles. it haz more bloods dan crips.

im from south central so dat means inglewood iz my neighbor ^___^

by southcentralian October 26, 2004

180๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž


Inglewood is a fine town just south of New Plymouth in New Zealand. It is a cultured sort of place with numerous art galleries and theatres. It is a place that people are proud to call their home and where neighbours become good friends. And any description to the contrary is an outright lie and should be treated as such.

When people ask where I am from I have no misgivings about replying with large amounts of zeal; "I'm from Inglewood"

by inwellington March 13, 2006

40๐Ÿ‘ 188๐Ÿ‘Ž


The ass of the world. Located at a latitude of 122.0 degrees south of Uranus. A crappy little hellhole near a crappy little mountain in a crappy little country called NZ. See also Hicksville.

Omg you live in Inglewood, what a shit hole!

by bob March 3, 2005

36๐Ÿ‘ 172๐Ÿ‘Ž


a small hick town in new Zealnd containing a particular high school in which the ngati pakeha tribe was formed (see also Robourgh)

"Inglewood may be a hole, but it's our hole"-Mr Farr Yr11geo

by Skanky McSkank March 6, 2005

21๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž