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The sweetest and most amazing girl you will meet. She is probably romanian. She likes cats and it cute. She is very funny and is very good in making friends. She tries her best with everything she does. She can be a perfectionist sometimes. She may have some problems but she won’t tell you cause she doesn’t want you to worry. She has many friends and is always up to make new ones so don’t be afraid to say hello to her cause she will definitely not ignore you. Be nice to her and she will be nice to you. If you ever meet a Iulia then try to become her friend! You will definitely like her.

OMG do you know Iulia? Ofcourse we are best friends!

by DrKnuckles December 6, 2017

53πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Iulia is the most beautiful person you'll ever meet.

Her body is very curvy and has a great shape. Many people envy her because of her looks and also her personality!
She's funny,smart,charming and very creative.
Her friends are always happy to talk with her and share their stories.
She is perfectly imperfect,you know?

Diana : Man , I wish I could be like Iulia! She's gorgeous and flawless!
Steve : I know right? I wish I could be her boyfriend.
Diana : And I wish I could be her friend! She seems like a total sweetheart!

by dacookieishere October 17, 2019

68πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A iulia is an adoring person who will stay by your side till the very end. She's got a fat ass and her body is fire. She's the biggest sweetheart you'll ever meet and she's really weird and short like really really short

Steve:"I love iulia I want her so bad"
Ollie:"fuck off Steve she's mine"

by OllMer June 27, 2021

34πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž



Iulia:I saw God
Friend:You are God

by Meee33 May 29, 2020

38πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Iulia is the best person u will ever meet. She is so sweet, kind hearted and strono, also every guy will die when they'll look in her stunning eyes. She can be sensitive and kinda close but when she meets the right person she won't shut up anymore + she tells great stories. Also iulia's hot and she knows it, even if u never thought about that bcs sometimes she can be a lil shy.


> iulia is my new crush, she is so amazing and I never met someone like her before, I just hope she likes me back...

by Ya crush August 4, 2019

28πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Iulia is the most beautiful girl in the world . A lot of boys likes her. She is so hot and sweet ... every boy will like her. She is so smart and funny . She has a lot of fun with her friends . She is having the clothing style ... she is PERFECT

Iulia a beautiful star .

by I know everything _4 October 23, 2019

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


the most sweet, kool, beautiful girl the world will ever know ...

no comments

by martin alexandrov June 2, 2004

571πŸ‘ 318πŸ‘Ž