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Iyad is a name for a very handsome boy.

Did you see Iyad today? He looks so good in blue.

by anonymous!! October 14, 2006

141๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mostly a very chill dude. He roasts a lot but it's more out of love than hatred. Usually having a big fat SHLONG in his pants and ready to use it whenever the opportunity is there. Imagining how many ladies wanted his big and meaty cock is almost impossible to do. An Iyad is a very handsome person and knows how to handle situations like an adult. He is very friendly and cracked up when he is comfortable with the people he hanging out with

Boy 1: Hold up, is that Iyad i see over there?

Girl 1: WHAT?? WHERE? i heard his meat is hella huge

Boy 2: Possible, he a really nice and friendly guy tho

by Yennefer1507 November 23, 2021


Iyad is a very rare person , if u ever get one keep him with you โค๏ธ He will be your safe place , and you wonโ€™t ever regret knowing him . Heโ€™s so kind and so generous. He brings positivity and happiness to the people around him โค๏ธ He might be so shy but with his close ones heโ€™s a baddie ๐Ÿคซ

Youโ€™re so lucky if you have Iyad in your life , heโ€™s so loyal and he loves from his heart โค๏ธ

He canโ€™t hurt people whatever they do to him โค๏ธ

You got an IYAD , youโ€™re lucky then ๐Ÿ˜

by Hibush123 November 22, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Spoigbober with ladders

Iyad sucks at everything

by Xxbruhmaster69xX May 14, 2021

3๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


Trash without ladders in bw

Damn Iyad is just Spoigbober without ladders. Domestictomato is so much better than him.

by Xxbruhmaster69xX May 14, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


From the show Karma is the Word, iyad is the name given to the popular and good-looking guys.

Not surprising, the iyads dominated the Rugby team and the central Mumbai dating pool.

by Jennai August 18, 2007

53๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rafi iyad

Rafi is a very sweet boy but like to tease other people, he always try to act like everything is fine when he's not, there is many times where he fake himself just because he thinks that he's trash when in reality he is an amazing human being that i have ever met, if you are rafi iyad and you're seeing this, please don't think that you are a coward, useless, or a piece of trash, you are an amazing human being. And also there is nothing wrong in being honest and let your feelings burst, don't try to always act like everything is okay, if you're tired then go take a rest and don't force yourself, and if you want someone to talk then it's okay to sometimes talk with your trusted friends or family. Overall, rafi iyad is someone who is worthy of love.

Dude 1 : damn who's that?
Dude 2 : ah, he's my bro, Rafi iyad.

by Katanatajem November 23, 2021