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Another word for meaning something super cool! And super cool, doesn't mean icecream with sunglases in the middle of Antarctica. It means having a lottery win while flying with penguin in africa!
Thats JOVEE!

"You know what I did yesterday?"
"No, what?"
"I turned into a lizard and talked in phone with all the worlds presidents while teaming a stallion!"
"Wow! Thats jovee!"

by P.Kuismanen February 3, 2010

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By Jove

In eighteenth and nineteenth century England, it was considered a great offense to say "By God". Instead, men would say "BY Jove". Jove is an alternative name for the Roman god Jupiter. By saying "By Jove!", they could be saying "By God!", without committing a social offense.

"By Jove, Tom! William has a magnificent carriage!"

by geinman June 15, 2013

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A fat joint that consists of half weed and half clove mixed together to create one amazing smoking experience. The name "jove" was created one night after rolling and then proceeding to smoke the jove on top of the Harvard University Arts Center. The jove's high hits you very hard and very fast, however it doesn't last as long as other highs.

"My God! This spliff is amazing, what's in it?" "That's no spliff my friend, that's a jove--a half weed/half clove combination of awesomeness!"

by jovecreatorpatentpending June 24, 2009

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Jove is a hilarious, glamorous, fit, enticing superior being . Although they tend to suffer with memory loss and keeping up with the norms, they always come with a positive outlook and try there best to fit in considering their disability. Despite always cramming in study and assignments the night before , they are born gifted to acheive at a high level as a straight A student. If you find a jove, keep him, cause he one of a kind (literally, no one else is called jove).

"is that Joe?"
"na bruddah its Joe with a 'V' between the 'o' and the 'e'"
"ok Jove"

by Muhammad Collins May 9, 2020

Jove or Joved

Origan: Klingon
adjective: To amplify something or someone's greatness by 20000 fold
verb: To express an absolute victory, ownership, or leadership over something or someone

Joved you again, saucy boy!

This play perk is totally jove!

Matt Meyers is the most jove dude in the world

by Matt Meyers September 14, 2004

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By Jove!

An exclamation used by Mr Wade to express surprise/approval etc .

"By Jove! Your homework is due in today my lovelies", exclaimed Mr Wade triumphantly.

by yesmoment December 5, 2019

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He is a wonderful , artistic and shy person . He doesnt like to mix around with people if he does not know them yet.

Wow Jove is really good in art !

by reme.Jove September 16, 2017