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This word is commonly used to decribe some one with lesser knowlage of a noob. This is far worse than a noob, so in fact that they either dont even know how to spawn in a game, any of the keys and dont even know how to speak.

You are in game, There is a 'AFK', You go to knife the 'AFK' They then start to move on the axis's not strafing, this would be an example of a jabra,
Alternatavely, a Jabra maybe an experianced player, but is ignorant and not really a team player and will not comply to any commands or speak at all. So in a way jabra's are the downfall of society, they are unreasonable and no one likes them.

by Daniel Ralph January 24, 2007

15👍 30👎


A very hard working guy wit a warm personality . He loves to be the center of attention or "class clown" . an all around sweetheart, this guy will hold doors open for you, whisper sweet nothings in your ear,and is extremely romantic. The most amazing guy you'll ever meet. Jabrae's make excellent boyfriends because they're loyal and protective. They like to pretend they're strong and silent types, but deep down theyre just dying to open up to you, so don't let that tough guy act fool you.

GIRL1: " I'm done dating the badass type :/

GIRL2: " yea i feel you girl , i think i mite switch to Jabrae's"

GIRL1: " ohhh yeeea my friends boyfriend is like that , he spoils her rotten !! *Cryingg* I WANT A JABRAE !!"

GIRL2: " *crying* . . . MEE TOOOO !!"

by HIS_GIRL92 August 26, 2011

7👍 5👎

jabra movement

A "Jabra Movement" is the act of an individual or group who usually is a deceptive or conniving person. In a short description of a "Jabra Movement" it is an Advanced form of a Snake, Snake Movement". In addition Someone who acts in a selfish manner and uses other people for personal gain. A person who is using a "Jabra movement" will often lie and back stab those closest to them to advantage themselves. When a "Jabra Movement" is in play their word choices are often well calculated and mostly unreliable, with the aim of making themselves look better to others. Because of this, what a person who is pulling a "Jabra movement" says to one person will often be inconsistent with what they have said to another.

"That jew has truly pulled a Jabra Movement on me dropping the class the day before the major debate and making me do the assignment myself.

"Kyle truly pulled a Jabra Movement on us, by telling us he is going to a party, but ending up having a house party and not inviting us to it. HUGE JABRA MOVEMENTS

by MFernandes May 15, 2008

31👍 17👎



Put jabra there

by Amitdante February 13, 2022


A cute, intelligent, smart girl who is attractive and has beautiful eyes and a warrior like attitude.

did you see her bro she's a JABRA

by Queenmae:) July 22, 2022