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My sister's name is jadzia and she loves using electronics, but on the other side she can be very sweet and she'll play with u if u ask her, she likes playing outside and to be honest she's pretty lazy but u don't wanna mess with her bad side if u make her angry she'll pick a fight and trust ME u don't wanna be in a fight with her, she loves animals especially cats, and she loves winter I mean she LOVES winter, she's also very pretty but her bed Head though is hilarious.

Guy1: hey who's that?

Guy2: oh! That's jadzia she's AWESOMEEEE

by {Skull X Dog} November 23, 2020


The best and funniest person in the world, she has great taste in movies, music, and anything you can think off. Overall best person to be friends with!

Did you see that vanessa? she was acting pretty jadzia today!

by your mumisthebest September 26, 2010

79๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most amazinq qirlfriend in the universe ; she knows how to make me smile ; an amazinq kisser ; and i wouldnt trade anythinq in the world for her. She's an amazinq person and i would do anythinq to make her happy; shes my everythinq :

Amber loves Jadzia (12|O1|O8 <3

by Amberboo December 6, 2008

95๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jadzia is a young, beautiful girl, sheโ€™s got a great face, great hair, a sexy ass, and nice titties. She will make you love her, regardless whether you should be her mortal enemy, or her ex. She has a capacity to give guys a boner, and will bloody well give you a rub if you convince her.

Look at that ass! โ€˜Yeah thatโ€™s Jadzia ainโ€™t she sexy?โ€™

by Handydandyhankypanky October 7, 2018

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best and funniest person ever. Her writing skills are on the top of the mount everest. She likes to tourte me and making me uncomfortable in public but my organs are happy because of her. (Not my lungs tho, most of the time they just want to die) Jokes aside she always wants to suck sebastian stanโ€™s dick but I canโ€™t blame her cus yeah same. Dream big they said.

ann: omg i saw a hot boy today and pulled a jadzia on him

by bdebxcky August 31, 2018

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ben Barnes' betrothed and beloved; officially the funniest person alive. This has been confirmed by God Himself. A Wattpad Queen who loves reading and wrote a wonderful novel regarding two teachers. She won the Smarties Book Award for her contributions to modern literature and is soon to receive the Young Lions Fiction Award. River Phoenix from beyond the grave is incredibly jealous of her attachment to Benny boy. The love triangle grows stronger every day. It has been cited by a myriad of sources that every boy would be incredibly lucky to have such a lovely, hilarious and fit individual.

Person 1: Wow, she's fit ain't she? Who is that?
Person 2: Well I think you'll find that's Jadzia. Don't try anything, she's married to Ben Barnes!

by TheBestNinckyNonckers October 30, 2021


A fucked up bitch who dates so much guys and post pictures of herself wearing a g string.Constantly flirting with guys who already got a girl.Usually fat and a try hard

โ€˜She keeps flirting with him lmao just like Jadziaโ€™

by SKSKSKKSKS April 26, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž