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An abbreviation for popular slang term "ja feel?". Possible response includes "yaif", an abbreviation for "ya, I feel".

Person 1: I Gotta go to bed, jaf?

Person 2: Yaif. It's getting late. Seeya

by cbreezy123 September 15, 2013

54๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jewish-African, a black jew, an NJB.

1) OMG, stop being a jaf.

2) Yeah, i know that guy, he's a jaf

by rixorz555/mizak December 23, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of inserting stuff to your penis' pee hole to experience sexual pleasure. This could be fingers, pencils, dildos or other suitable objects

John's penis was still sore from all the jaffing he had been doing yesterday.

by Wingster February 13, 2008

81๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


The literal meaning of jaf is an acronym for "just a friend". The term is most often refered to males in high school. It can mean some one who is a loser, or just has bad luck with the ladies. Based off the typical best friend of a girl in a 90s movie. the guy that's always there for his best friend who happens to be a girl, and she always comes to him for support when the girl breaks up with her attractive jerk of a boyfriend. Jafs are always way too nice when it comes to girls they like cuz they think they can win over girls with their overwhelming sensitivity. Jafs dont realize that girls are drawn to a certain degree of badass, and its usually the downfall of the jaf because he cannot change the way he is or the way he is already perceived. Alot of jafs dont get any action because they are shy and not assertive in a sexual manner. Jafs can feel neglected and used (by the ones the adore).

Jafs let their lack of sexual swagger effect every aspect of thier lives. They tend to do poorly in school becuase they are so focused on getting laid, or getting thier crush to like them more then just a friend. Jafs sometimes go into a temporary depression on Sundays when they realize they have to go through another week of school with misery and no girlfriend. This pessimistic mood is known as SNGM (Sunday No Girl Mood).

The Jaf anthem would arguably be Iris, by the Goo Goo Dolls, or Everything You Want by Vertical Horizon. Both songs feature lyrics about desperatly wanting to be with a girl, but she is completely oblivious to "Mr Right" and what is actually best for her.

Dude, Steve is such a jaf, i dont think he realizes hes gunna go nowhere with Jenna.

Oh my god, i feel like such a jaf, its saturday night and plans fell through again..

by HXcTrance December 31, 2007

89๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Just a "friend" ;-) As all you sugar junkies might expect, a JAF is a kind of biscuit/cake, (oh ask the taxman) - but not just any Jaffa cake...a Jaf is a heart melting concoction, both characteristically sweet and incisively sharp, with a sensual soft centre, all wickedly ofset with a dark, mysterious edge. Totally irresistible!
A Jaf is one breathtakingly, inventive guy, who is so multi-talented, he's going to keep you on the tips of your toes, just trying to keep up with him. A Jaf is so many infinities of fun and laughter, you just can't wait to be around him: up, close and personal! Like a valiant Sir Galahad, a Jaf is the guy you want to rescue you when you fall. Sigh... Try as you might, you won't forget this bold knight on a cold night!

Women just feel compelled to dance with a Jaf. But it's first come, first served, girls - and you're gonna have to be fast! Although almost perfection, a Jaf may temporarily lose his vision (and a flicker of gloam may ensue) but fear not, all will become apparent and he will see clearly his rainbow yonder.
Finally, don't be led on by those, oh so cute, boyish looks, this is one strong, hot man who has it all figured out : often on a spreadsheet (ooh, er)!

Eve: Can't wait to get "friendly" with J A F.

Christine: Oh do behave! Keep your Jafsession under control!

by R. S. Bowers September 16, 2014

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Just about fuckable

Jamie : I would say she's about a 9/10
Nathan: are you serious? i would say shes JAF

by snoopd00g May 18, 2015

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jaffed can literally replace any word you want.

I jaffed Johnny a fiver. I jaffed all over her. After that spliff I was so jaffed. That strike was a fucking jaffer by Robbie on Sunday.

by YungMilo January 24, 2017

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž