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A beautiful woman who is incredibly creative, patient, and loving. She is often perceived as perfect and she usually is.

You are perfect like Janeil.

by Kristi Kritter February 4, 2010

90๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Otherwise known as the perfect individual, he is very caring about others and compassionate.
When it comes to guys Janeil is the way to go!

I want someone to care for me like Janeil does!

by Kuroko November 22, 2021


1. A key word used in online chat to get someone's attention.
2. A term for an odd chat participant.

1. She wasn't responding in the chat so I Janeil'd her.
2. You are such a Janiel, always saying weird things in chat.

by Jeffronimo April 18, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most beautiful and authentic person you will ever meet โค

Janeille is beautiful. I love her!

by Jlab96 November 26, 2021

Janeil Fortune

"Janeil Fortune" an intelligent brilliant man who's mind exceeds all other in pleasing women.
He is said to be the south africa's sexiest man....

You look like the Janeil Fortune I need ...(says Victoria to her boyfriend Jacob)

by Veronica rodriguez December 26, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Janeil is a snake her lies slip out of her mouth like thereโ€™s no tomorrow.If you come across a janeil make sure you watch your back.If janeil tells u anything about someone else make sure to check with that person first because janeils are known for their lies and fake personality

Person 1: do you know a janeil
Person 2: yes and she ruined my life I suggest you stay away from her
Person1: thank you

by Arealbossbitch22 December 25, 2019


Janeils are known for being liars and untrustworthy. You will find that janeils will Stab you in the back and are actually snakes. Be careful what you say around janeils because it will always get spread. Janeils feel likes they run shit but really donโ€™t know whatโ€™s gonna hit them.

Person1: hey do you know a janeil
Person2:yes,I knew one but she ruined my life I suggest you stay away boo
Person1:thanks I appreciate that information

by Arealbossbitch22 December 25, 2019