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A city slicker who acts like a redneck.

Rob went fishing for the first time today now he's acting like a Jeffro

by Darth vapor November 30, 2016

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Jeffro is an act of anger. To chuck a Jeffro is to have the ultimate flip out. Get mad and over react to the minor inconveniences of life.

Dude, he chucked the biggest Jeffro over fuck all.

Man I'm gonna chuck a Jeffro!

by Graham Brownham November 22, 2019


The ability to get others to perform deeds for you or provide free materials without asking. Ability can be traced to the dark side of the force.

We just installed his roof for him last weekend and this weekend he is drinking all of our beer and taking our leftovers. What a Jeffro.

by Sierratwohotel June 12, 2018


You are honest, benevolent, brilliant.You are courageous, honest, determined, original and creative. You are a leader, especially for a cause.


Jeffro is a smart ass

by Coolchick23 May 7, 2016

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jeffro jack

A large male normally what the Americans call a "nerd".They look like something out of bully game and smell particularly bad no one knows. why they have immigrated from Mexico and live in a house of goats and other weird creatures but one thing is clear, we need to crush the rebel scum.

"man what the hell is that smell, it smells like cat vomit marinaded in urine and left for days on end" " its A Jeffro Jack" "uh taking all our jobs"

by MATTICUSBANG! June 26, 2009

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Jeffros Yeets

Jeffro is yeetus and if you enjoy motorcycling or Driving through the hills. Then you are in fact one of the Jeffros yeets family.

Originally thought up as a fake brand name so a mate could sponsor another mate for a motorcycling event, Jeffros yeets has now become more of a lifestyle or group to identify with.

Ima get me a Jeffros yeets t-shirt and some stickers.

Fuck me man. Ima get me a fucking Jeffros yeets t-shirt and some stickers from yeetus.

Jeffros yeets is yeetus, commit self deletus

by Graham Brownham November 22, 2019

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