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Jerzee is usually the name of a really pretty or beautiful girl that has mostly a lot of friends and usually plays one or more sports

Boy:1 Hey is that Jerzee

Boy:2 omg yes it is

Boy:1 she's beautiful

by Julia Moore December 12, 2016

31πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Usually a beautiful and sweet girl. With beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair. She is very smart and has trusting friends. Usually plays up to 2 different sports. Someone who cares for others at times. And someone with a great personality. Also someone with a Sagittarius zodiac sign

boy 1: hey is that jerzee?
boy 2: yeah... why?
boy 1: ive watched her play sports and shes goood! and dang shes beautiful

by carterchristiansen01 July 13, 2019

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Another name for the state of New Jersey.

Yo, I rep Jerz all day!

by Brath November 7, 2004

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A very attractive girl who has 5’2 with an attitude energy

Gosh I love that girl, she’s a Jerzee

by Mackdaddy October 13, 2020

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A beautiful girl with a lot of friends who people get jelly over because she is so good looking. A girl who guys go crazy for

Guy one "yo jerzee is so pretty"
Guy two " yeah really pretty"

by Alyssa😜69 November 30, 2018

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Jerzee is another name for a dumb hoe

She's a jerzee

by LongSlong23 April 1, 2016

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Dirty Jerzee

A guy who fucks lots of girls and thinks he’s the shit but he’s actually just being passed around like a cum shirt.

No one wants that dirty Jerzee, he’s a piece of dog shit.

by K.doggggg October 14, 2019