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A stupid and senseless way for idiots to pronounce the word jewelry. Commonly spoken by those who pronounce the word nuclear as nucular.

"Hey honey, how about we go to the jewlery store and pick out your engagement ring?"

"Not a chance, moron. Hey, read a book once in a while, k?"

by silent judger April 9, 2012

10👍 22👎

Jewlery store

Some place that’s in the ghetto that you go to after your wife got mad at you, so you have to get her something nice before she call the pigs on you.

I gotta go to the Jewlery store real quick before I see the fuzz show up at my door.

by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 13, 2023

Jewlery Goth

mixing fur,dark & primary or brighter Colors, & jewlery of any kind.
normally find them listening to Sycamour, Bugatii's Roadshow, Bring Me The Horizon, Just Go Along, or Lorna Shore...etc etc

What Is "jewlery Goth"

by nora archymern April 8, 2023