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Johnny Weir

Johnny G. Weir, born July 2nd, 1984, is reigning US Men's figure skating champion, and is ranked 7th in the world. He is known for his "eccentric" style, and outspoken personality.

That Johnny Weir's a strange one, but he's still a really good skater.

by Michael Domingues December 3, 2006

104👍 19👎

Johnny Weir Cocktail

A drink made by macerating a Xanax into a blush spritzer. Must be imbibed while wearing nothing but a full length mink coat, a crown of roses, and hot pink nipple tassels.

"Bartender, give me a Johnny Weir cocktail. I have had the kind of day that an Old Fashioned cannot fix."

"You look like you could use a giant glass of Johnny Weir."

by Whitknee1 February 20, 2010

26👍 8👎