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Bright, fun loving, crazy, and absolutely hilarious are just some of the things that describe Josie. She's fun to be around and is the light of the party. She brings out the best in everyone in ever situation.

Josie doesn't really like to admit she's wrong, but that's just a minor personality aspect that is left behind and forgotten.

Josie is like a magnet- she attracts people to her with just a flash of her smile or her kind laugh. She's beautiful on the inside, though she doesn't know it.

Josie's BFF: I wish he would notice me, just like everyone notices you, Josie!
Josie: Wait a second. I can handle this.
Guy 1: Hey Josie!
Josie: Hi! Hey, do you see that girl over there? My BFF
Guy 1: Yeah...
Josie: Don't you think she's pretty?
Guy 1: Well yeah, actually she's more than pretty, I um...
Josie: Go talk to her
LATER: Josie: There you go!
Josie's BFF: You're such a Josie. Thanks.

by SashaDaDragon May 25, 2017

541πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž


Will love you forever if you bring her food and/or play with her hair

Message From Josie:


by ZammmTruth May 22, 2016

455πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž


a badass girl who loves talking and having fun. sometimes she can get sad and when she does, watch her. mostly have blue or green eyes. when she's mad she is MAD. loves cuddling and play fighting, and can never make up her mind for shit.

josie name

by chickentickler December 24, 2013

1077πŸ‘ 159πŸ‘Ž


Josie. she's a girl you dream about every night. the most amazingly perfect girl. if you look into her eyes you will see that she is an angel and that you could never compare any girl to her. she's STUNNING and every guy wishes that they could have her. she's sweet, funny, but sometimes, she doesn't realize that her perfect guy could be right in front of her the while time and all she had to do is give him one chance, to show how much he loves her.

"Damn. she could be the one. I think she's a Josie."

by The Wishful Thinker January 7, 2014

150πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


The funniest, cutest, smartest girl I know. She is the best girlfriend I've ever had. When I am feeling sad or depressed I just think of her face. Josie if very smart and athletic and you can rely on her to be an awesome friend. She has some awesome jokes and her laugh is beautiful. All you need to do to feel like the luckiest person in the world is to look straight into her beautiful eyes. She has the most beautiful smile and the most beautiful personality in the world. I'm just so lucky to have her in my life.

If you ever meet Josie you will be so happy.

beautiful awesome cute athletic josie

by Avery0103 minecraft master January 18, 2013

521πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž


Josie is the most beautiful, smart, funny caring, loving, girl ever. Youd be lucky to find yourself a josie! Josie also makes a great girlfriend! She is loyal and caring and will give her as much of herself as you give to her. Josie can find fun anywhere from a party to snuggling up to a good book. Which brings in her knowledge, she is crazzyyy smart! She has many friends at school and loves helping others. If you need help josie will be there! Josie is beautiful and she doesnt know it. Sadly josie focusus on her flaws rather her many beauties. Josie has a great sence of humor she loves laughing and making people laugh! If you get yourself a josie, three words, DONT LOOSE HER if you do your letting go of the best girl ever!

Boy 1: Dude shes so hot and funny

Boy 2: yea shes defetely a josie

Boy 1: wait just cause shes hot and funny doesnt automatically make her a....

Boy 2: shush shes a josie... now dont question my knowledge adam

by Randomwriter122 November 26, 2018

30πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Josie is a well mannered outgoing person. While she lets you know a lot about her life, she tends to keep emotional conflicts to herself. She wears her heart on her sleeve and will take a bullet for you. That being said, she makes one of the worst enemies. She is very passive aggressive and somewhat petty in her attacks. She is good at bottling things up though, so tiny things may tip her over the edge if she’s had a shit day. Josie very easily falls in and out of crushes, so she never speaks about them since they go so fast. She is quite bad at hiding affection for someone though. She cares a lot about self image and is easily peer pressured into doing things.

As far as physical things, Josie is usually so depressed that she doesn’t realize how beautiful she actually is. Usually having long copper or brown hair and multi colored eyes. She likes showing off her body, but is not doing it out of wanting a man, but out of confidence and making others envy her. In summary, Josie is a pretty well rounded person, and some one most would want to be friends with

Josie is a pretty cool person

by Veryniceusername October 14, 2018

61πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž