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Beautiful but doesn't know it.
Unique, smart, & has an amazing smile.
Deserves the absolute best in life.
She may not be a 10/10 but her personality is definitely worth getting to know her. Everyone loves her.

Shy but very outgoing once you get to know her. Hides her insecurities by being awkward yet hilarious.

The most kind and loyal girl.
She never breaks a promise and never tells others' secrets.
She gives, not requesting anything in return.
She doesn't need a reason to be nice.

She may be shy, but is open to meet new people.
She is never quick to judge unless she is given a reason to.
Don't break her down because she is already broken.

Guy 1: Wow man, count yourself lucky that you actually know Kaela.
Guy 2: Yeah, I know. She's amazing.

Friend 1: I need to tell you something important.
Friend 2: Whoa, no. Stop right there. Go tell Kaela cause I'm gonna end up running my mouth haha
Friend 1: Oh, you're right. What was I thinking telling you?
Friend 2:.........-_-

Person 1: Omg I love Kaela.
Person 2: Who doesn't?

by thatsnotmynameq September 15, 2013

494๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž


Often shy, sometimes keeps a secret but will glady share it with you as long as she doesn't have to express her emotions. She will always blow something off that hurts her by saying "it was in the past" but doesn't want mistrust between either friends or boyfriends. Can have trust issues but wants her Disney Channel Original Movie moment, often tomboyish and extremely sarcastic. If she likes you, she will either be mean or sarcastic, anything to hide what really goes on in her head. But she doesn't care what people think, just tries not to burden anyone.

Kaela is one of the nicest girls I know but I can never quite figure her out.

No one can, thats what makes her Kaela and we love her for it.

by Reqret17 December 11, 2016

64๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


Another word for "Addicted" or "Addict", especially when the subject is addicted to a game.

You just got that game and you've already played it for 8 hours straight. You're so Kaela.

by Buchou January 9, 2023

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A very unique girl. She may seem shy at first but once she get out of her shell, sheโ€™s outgoing and pretty bubbly. Sheโ€™s an interesting person with a very interesting personality. Sheโ€™s very sensitive, so close your words wisely when youโ€™re around her. She can definitely be clingy at times. She apologizes frequently and has to be reminded not to do so. Sheโ€™s already broken, so donโ€™t break her more.

โ€œOh yeah, Kaelaโ€™s a very interesting girl...โ€

by interestingsoul December 2, 2019

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


The hottest, sexiest girl you'll ever meet. She is very sarcastic and funny, yet nice. Usually she is blonde with blue eyes and a thin body. She is also very smart, though she is a blonde, and gets great grades. Tons of boys ask her out, but most are politely rejected. She's someone a guy will be obsessed with for years. Cyruss, Antonios, Sams, and Ryans are usually obessed with her.

"Hey man, Ima go ask Kaela out!"-man #1
"No dude, I waz boutz to!" -man #2

by BeGorgeous November 20, 2011

242๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sheโ€™s great at giving deez nuts jokes

โ€œKaela, do you know Jack?โ€
โ€œJackin deez nuts in yo mouthโ€

by 1989deluxe May 6, 2022

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


VERY funny and outgoing, has a bubbly yet sarcastic personality.
Gets okay grades and never let's anyone step on her she brave and kind and can be a bit bossy.
She's very pretty and the guys love her.
Shes quick to judge sometimes but loves her friends and family.
Normally a girly girl but has her moments of being a Tom boy.
She loves her phone and alone time when needed and loves music
She acted alright but is broken she knows how to keep it in.
When she likes a guy she will be mean or sarcastic or act sad for attention but she doesn't tell him she likes him till she's 100% sure she likes him.

Guy:kaelas so hot
Guy 2 :she gets all the guys she won't want you

by Ur mom691120 May 25, 2022