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Translated from german, it can mean “Prince” or “Emperor” but the word has many meanings besides these two, another meaning to the name means “The one who rises above”.

“My goal is to reach a state of Kaizer.” “That mans a Kaizer.”

by KnownDictionary December 5, 2019

11👍 1👎


To disappear into thin air / leave without informing anyone of your departure or being seen by anyone, particularly on a night out socialising. Word is derived from the character 'Keyser Soze' from the Usual Suspects, defined by his mysteriousness and ability to disappear without a trace. The trend of pulling a kaizer is viewed with respect by drinking buddies rather than ridicule and indeed people applaud individuals who leave in this manner.

'Where did Collie go last night?'

"I dunno, he pulled a Kaizer around 11. The poor little fella was gee eyed'

by Chassis September 5, 2008

36👍 18👎


A name reffering to a boy with everything good in a person. Kaizers are huggable, sweet, romantic, talented, and smart.

They have great hair, a playful personality, and they're everything good you can think of. Being humble, usually they dont admit or see how amazing they are. Kaizers are guys with good senses of humor and are fun to be around. Kaizers the nicest people you will ever meet. They'll be your shoulder to cry on, and they never break promises. With beautiful souls, and eyes full of wisdom, you'll know right away that they know a lot. Girls, if you ever find a Kaizer , hold on to him tight, because you'll never find someone as amazing as him ever again. Kaizers only come every once in a lifetime. With a big heart in his chest, and he'll accept who you are, what you do, and support you. You'll swear that he's an angel sent from above. He's a Kaizer . Simple as that.

Human A "your boyfriend is such a Kaizer."
Human B "I know 😊 I'm glad I met him. He's everything I ever wanted.

by Ibrahim_7 August 27, 2015

31👍 19👎


Over zealous or moronic. In need of guidance and constant approval and attention.

Anal retentive personality

That person is a kaizer, constantly spamming forums and seeking attention.

by Bobtentpeg May 1, 2007

35👍 40👎


A Puerto-Rickie with ADHD that has a tendency to get dumped.

Teacher: Can someone define ADHD?
Chad: Kaizer lol.

by FrostyFrozone05 July 15, 2019

5👍 3👎


Kaizer is a german word meaning prince.

guy : look! i just saw the kaizer of Luxembourg!
guy1: Kaizer? OH! you mean prince!

by samio May 20, 2006

32👍 27👎


a member and leader ofone of the greatest organizations known 4 corners which is known and unknown to mankind his real name is unknown to many except those he trust. also hes known to be a skilled fighter in tai-chi and a master marksmen

i am kaizer feared through sacramento and feared by many

by alex marconi aka domino November 12, 2003

20👍 34👎