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Beautiful , smart , sweet with a little bit of attitude... she's smart athletic outgoing and has a great sense of humor who love to dance and listen to music but please don't cross her the wrong way she will fight you.

Wow is that Kelis she's so pretty & smart.

by Mocha K.A.S March 14, 2017

212πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


The youngest and hottest queen. Kelis is the meaning of love. She is the happiest teen on Earth with the cutest dimples. Kelis's personality is shy, naΓ―ve, cute, pretty and very intelligent. Kelis deserves the most generous boy on Earth as she gives joy to a lot of people. Although she is only a teenager, Kelis has a very blessed voice, whenever she sings, she brings the creatures of Earth to their knees. Kelis can knock you out with just the tiniest shine of her smile. Their was once an unknown tale about Kelis, she had a father, the lord of music who had left her and her mother, Goddest Ruthless. And since that day Kelis has been hiding her doubt and negativity from the world. They once said that whenever Kelis is negative, an earthquake appears, so never brake Kelis's heart. That's a lesson. Whenever you come across a Kelis, show them a lot of respect, as they were the ones who created joy and love. We should be very generous to have Kelis on our planet.

Kelis... the meaning of happiness, joy and love. The girl who was blessed with amazing gifts. If you ever come across a Kelis, you will never take your eyes of them.

by Kween.Unique March 11, 2018

50πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Kelis is a very beautiful girl, she is smart, funny, and loyal, she has a fairamount of friends. She doesn't take shit from nobody, and she handles her own.

I could use a Kelis right about now!

by firekidlis May 13, 2018

53πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


No one knows how to pronounce her name

Some uneducated swine: Kaleys is that how you pronounce your name?
Me: no it’s Kelis

by KelisπŸ₯΅ November 10, 2018

60πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A beautiful girl. A smart, outstanding young individual. Someone who is understanding and cool and chill.
She's funny and weird but in a good way. Considerable.
A girl that will give unconditional love, even when/if you don't deserve it.
Some guys will see her as sexy, a fine piece of art that God has created. An angel sent from heaven.
She may be mean at times but in the end all is forgiven. She's very rare so if you get a hold of her, don't let her go.

James: I met this gorgeous girl man...
Aron: Oh really?? who?
James: Her name's Kelis she's amazing dude! So chill I think i'm in love.
Aron: WOW, gotta meet her man! Hope you guys work out lol

by ItsOtayToBeSad July 14, 2018

15πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Kelis is hot and fit. She also has a nice body, but don’t mess with kelis

Kelis is pengting

by Pengest of the penggg June 7, 2018

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A female name meaning beautiful, one of a kind, and a queen. Kelis is a name only for those who are unique. Kelis is usually the girl all the boys fall for.

Oh, that must be Kelis, she's so unique, and such a queen.

by Alisia September 30, 2017

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž