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Kentucky fried

The description of someone who is ferociously fried.

Person 1: “American nazis invaded Czechoslovakia in 1982
Person 2: “Bro, you’re actually Kentucky fried as fuck”

by TickleThomson May 7, 2022

Kentucky Fried Asshole

The BURNING sensation you will feel in your asshole approximately 7 hours after eating a KFC Zinger Meal, as you sit on the commode holding your ankles and screaming at passers by to "get Colonel Sanders".

Though a Zinger Meal doesn't taste particularly spicy going in, on it's way back out the other end it feels as though an army of hornets are raking hot coals around your ringpiece with a combine harvester.

It's like there's a party in your ass, and everyone's calling the Fire Brigade.

Dave: Why do you walk like that?
Eddy: I have Kentucky Fried Asshole

by Dr Suffering June 14, 2010

157👍 7👎

kentucky fried cum

When you are fucking the blackest chick and you pull a drum stick out of the Colonels bucket and shove it up her vaginal bucket, making her scream and curse the Colonel's name as she splooshes onto that hunk of meat.

Dude, I'm not sure if Shaniqua will forgive me after I gave her a Kentucky fried cum. Still worth it.

by Joshiwan July 30, 2017

kentucky fried children

A resturaunt in murica that steals and kidnapps children and put them in grinders and serve to other fellow muricans. And also they laugh at babies that have no parents and them steal them to reward shrek for good behavior and work ethics. Never eat there unless its on your bucket list or in your parents will. Skumbags

KFC was sooooo good!!! Never had anything like it.
What the fuck you are eating your own kind. I hope you're happy Eating Kentucky Fried Children

by Anomonys Kid420 April 27, 2015

52👍 7👎

kentucky fried fetish

To stick piece of KFC into someone's vagina, bone part down, and eat it while it is stuck in her vagina.

D: Hey girl i have a kentucky fried fetish how about we meet in the bathroom and i'll grab a drumstick, huh?
G: Ew get the fuck away

by Chodeyjones42 April 21, 2015

Kentucky Fried Nipples

Nipples with a large diameter and is colored a dark tan or black color.

Jay: Juan let me see yo nipples!
Juan: Alright man check it out.
Jay: Holy shit you got a pair of Kentucky Fried Nipples

by Pepperjack69 November 4, 2008

52👍 9👎

kentucky fried cramp

massive cramp when one has eaten to much KFC

Andrew: Damn man I've got a kentucky fried cramp

Eric: That's what you get for eating all that KFC!!

by Big Brown EEEEEEEE December 13, 2010