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these people stay young at heart. they always are looking for a good time. may tend to do alot of drugs but still has his shit together. many people admire him in a friendly way and one lucky lady will have the privilege of being his. this guy is definitely a keeper and you are foolish if you ever let one go. he is a master at anything that he does in life. he is loyal til the end but piss him off and its like getting struck by lightning. this guy will pick your ass up at 3:30a.m. when you pass out on the side of the road from being too messed up. he is an honest family man and has just an overall good soul.

that kidwell over there is good enough to marry my daughter.

by mr.bonaire October 5, 2013

24πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Whenever someone spills their beverage on the floor they refer to it as a Kidwell.

Oh look Sammy pulled a Kidwell and spilled his chocolate milk all over the carpet.

by pure awesomeness times 3 August 2, 2009

25πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

kidwell slide

To swoop in and put your arm around an ususpecting boy/ man or girl/woman. Then proceed to kiss him/her.

Did you see that??? That dude just pulled off the Kidwell Slide. That's one smooth dude.

by slazzle7 October 6, 2006

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Matthew kidwell

My best brother and a fucking idiot

Yo, matthew kidwell is a fucking idiot but i love himπŸ˜‚

by Cameron the glass March 11, 2019

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


An elderly male who wears incredibly fashionable suspenders and commits unspeakable acts on his granddaughter under the age of 12, and wears a shirt as a hat.

Is that a head- tourniquet? No it’s a Kidwell ShirtHat.
His victim was under the age of 12? What a Kidwell.

by HET Driver November 25, 2021