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The great Danish philosopher Kierkegaard who wrote about the individual and his or her place in the universe.

You know the philosopher Kierkegaard?
Yeah, dude was fucking deep!

by Terry Richards 2008 May 10, 2008

56👍 8👎


To take a huge shit on someone's face and then eat a danish pastry off of it.

I wanted to Kierkegaard last night but my bitch wouldn't let me! -- Sartre

by Grandfather Time October 4, 2006

20👍 69👎

dirty kierkegaard

when a dude shits in a girls snatch and then turns all melancholy about how absurdly incomprehensible the existence of God is...

I had to laugh after my dirty kierkegaard, though it was bittersweet.

by Dr. Simulacra October 14, 2013

144👍 20👎