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A truly reliable guy

"Koichi you truly are a reliable guy"

by Alexcm1015 November 6, 2019

245πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The most reliable guy in the known universe.
Can also be used for someone who is a midget.

Koichi, you truly are reliable guy.

by Dolphinfucker554 December 12, 2019


The most reliable fucking short person in ZA WARUDO

"Koichi, your the most reliable person I met." (Somthing like that) Said by Jotaro Kujo, 1999

by DIO_BRANDO69 January 5, 2021


n. - a hot sexy half japanese boy that lives up the street from me that has a lot of azn pryde :)

v. - sumthing that describes a hnot sexy japanese dude that lives up the street that has a ps2 and has a lot of azn pryde

1. Koichi is so sexy.

2. Hes such a koichi

by bob the mexican May 11, 2005

87πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Hott KoKo!!!
beautiful as a bumblebee!!!
Koichi you are so japanese
hey sexy!

Koichi is the coolest dude ever!!!

by K.V. and L.H.J. August 18, 2004

28πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A banana face loser who's horny 24/7.

Omg it's Koichi!1!!

by AhahhAhahahAHh May 13, 2019

5πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

koichi hirose

A tiny boi who is just 1 cm shorter than me :/ and has a girlfriend name yukako, crazy yandere and he’s a reliable weapon with a ghost 😭✌️

Yukako: koichi, you’re also so cute when you smile 😘😘😘😘πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅
Josuke: yep she definitely has a point 🧐🧐

Koichi hirose πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘

by Renga shipper lmao April 4, 2021

22πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž