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Beyond beautiful and awesome.

Dude, she's almost as hot as a Kopp!

by nsn December 2, 2004

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A self-righteous person who can’t seem to grow up and learn how to treat people right without even knowing. Their only priorities are trusting the wrong people and making everything about themselves in a manipulating way that makes you think they care about you.

Person 1: That Kopp sure is one hell of a dynamite bitch
Person 2: Yeah, life’s gonna bite them in the ass one day and they won’t even see why.

by P33P5 June 11, 2020

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A mystical creature of old Norse mythology said to have hidden in trees and rarely seen. It's body is said to consist of a red spherical body, three arm-like appendages, and a tail STICKIN OUT OF ITS FACE!!!

ZOMG! look at that hideous yet rare Koppes!

by who else?!!? August 20, 2008

Emma kopp


Emma kopp is hot

by I have a crush on emma kopp December 3, 2018

Forrester Koppes

A good skater and a good artist.

Dang, that Forrester Koppes guy is good at everything!

by skidditybop January 22, 2021

Carolynn Kopp

an old child groomer who’s attached to young creators and refers to them as her “boyfriends/girlfriends” one time, she took advantage of a drunk minor who was joking about being her girlfriend and bullied her on social media when the minor made it clear she was drunk and uncomfortable

“dude carolynn koop is a badass”
“no she’s a child groomer”
“why does carolynn kopp remind me of a furry”
“because she is one”
bark bark child groomer alert

by amara elle April 1, 2022

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Two Chicas grabbing a Kopp's breast

Kopp-A-Feel is when 2/3 of 3T grab 1/3 of 3T's tits......

by Kruncy August 22, 2009

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