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A kouvaris is funny asf, Talented, a good ass friend, and he’s that nigga. A kouvaris can dress he always is on point with his outfits, even when he’s not trying. A kouvaris always says his opinion and doesn’t give Af about what society says he always follows what he thinks. A kouvaris is nice but will go tf off if disrespected. A kouvaris has big dreams that he plans on making come true no matter what anyone says. Kouvaris is cute and cool asf I recommend getting you one a lot

Girl 1: OUUUUU GIRLLLLLLLLL did you see kouvaris new post

Girl 2: girl yess he so fine and can dress

Girl 3: yesss girlllll I think imma get me a piece of Him

by Lexie Gant November 22, 2021


Kouvaris is that nigga, he can dress, he’s the nicest person you will ever meet until you cross and he funny and cute asf. I recommend you get a kouvaris they are the best

Girl 1: gworlllllll you saw kouvaris new post
Girl 2: yessssss honey he so foineeee and can dress😫

by Lexie Gant November 21, 2021

Kouvaris' Theorem

The act of inserting one's fist into another person's anus until the victim collapses from the excruciating pain. When done properly the administrator will insert their arm from the fist to the arm pit into the recipient's anus and back out all in one swift motion done repeatedly in swift succession. often triggering bleeding, himroids, and bowel seepage. A sign of eternal love in Homosexual-ism, of inflicted in a state of extrema rage toward the victim. A point of humor to instructors.

Dude me and my partner did the Kouvaris' Theorem all night and my anus so freak raw I cant walk.
That guy got so mad when I called him he said he would inflict the Kouvaris Theorem on me next time he saw me.

by electric man#1 November 2, 2010

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